March 14, 2021 - Turkey Creek

Lynnette and I, Bruce and Ellen checked out the Turkey Creek Sanctuary which is a small nature reserve in the city of Palm Bay in Brevard County.  Lucy had taken the boys here and told us how good it was.

Turkey Creek has 1.85 miles of boardwalk paths and 1.5 miles of jogging trails through native forest to Turkey Creek, an excellent site for seeing birds, turtles, manatees, alligators as well as other local wildlife.
Our first look at Turkey Creek.

The property was donated to the Florida Audubon Society and the city of Palm Bay in 1978.

The boardwalk is fairly high off the ground.

In my entire life, I don't think I've ever seen a live raccoon outside of a zoo.  Unfortunately I've seen plenty of dead ones alongside roads.  So imagine my surprise when I saw a big, live raccoon walking through the tall grass by the boardwalk.  He didn't pay us the slightest attention.
Back along Turkey Creek.
Looking for Gator.
We didn't see any alligators, but we did see some very long fish in the Creek.  You can see them below at center.
We also so quite a few large turtles.

Was this how all of Florida looked pre-Columbus? 
Yay, Turkey Creek.  It's a nice place to spend an afternoon.
A map of Turkey Creek Sanctuary.
To celebrate our successful afternoon at Turkey Creek, we had a nice dinner at one of our favorite places:  C.J. Cannon's at Vero Beach Airport.
Sometime during our stay with Bruce and Ellen, Bruce and I had some cool ones at the Tiki Bar.  Check out the shirt the guy on the right is wearing!  Triplanes rule!
Enjoying the view at the Tiki Bar.